Art: "Coldstone" by Ariel Courage
Poetry: "Dusk" by Nathaniel Grayson
facing down the bitter road
long and dark evenings
illuminated plastic stringed lights
on barbed wire fences
stretch out toward a bookshelf
of purples yellows reds
hybrid—an artist’s canvas
late evening fields
turning the grass
into blackened carpets
stained a dull brown
the trees recline
psst psst psst
psst psst psst
the kyrie of crickets
begin to sing
to cry
yeow yeow yeow
the pussens
their caterwauling
passed out in the alleys
then still
the wind blows
a lonely giant
in crowded fields cry out
cold dead horizons
carry a heavy burden.
the bane of don quixote
whilst cursing the wind
smelling of rusted metal
at night the stars illuminate
piercing the abysmal darkness
and the children return home
Published May 8th 2022

Nathaniel Grayson is a graduate student at the University of Southern Mississippi, pursuing an MA in Fiction. He is a current poetry editor for Product magazine and a reader for the Mississippi Review. His poem, “Some Distant Island,” will be published in the April edition of The Dewdrop.