Art: "Enveloped" by Emily Rankin

Poetry: "Before I Dig" by Bianca Pina

I mark the points

on flattened ground

draw the shape


of time, on each mark

I will dig.

the topsoil is heavy


threaded tendon-

roots snap against

the edge of the spade.


I dig through the footings

of our unbuilt house

the holes I watched fill


with rainwater,

like open mouths.

I reach rock


and give up, set down

my spade. I rest

until the sky


is reckless again.

The only way out

is down. So I dig.


I scrape

with caked nails and

dextrous fingers


I pluck stones and

shift the soil, I reach

the blackberry place, the foot


of the foot, slick tar-like

peat that fumes.

until I slosh


wet dirt to find

a clean pink finger.

I dig at its edges,


it has a hand. Neat,

folded fingers. Dirty nails

like lash-lined eyelids.


I uncover an arm,

a shoulder, neck and flank –

blueish nipples and tissue skin


crusted with soil, but not scarred,

fresh, I discover

it’s a girl.


I unearth her chin

her mouth I carefully clear

I push her brown hair back


her nose and tidy face

frozen, but gentle,

though sleeping, the way


a child is restored

at night. I’ll carry her now,

out, with the rest of me.


Published April 26th 2024

Bianca Pina is a multi-disciplinary artist, poet, and designer based in London. Her work encompasses many mediums including language, ink, clay, pixels, photography and illustration. Bianca has completed an MA in Writing Poetry through Newcastle University & The Poetry School London. Her poetry often has an arresting, brittle quality that can be both jagged and tender and explores the complex fields of family and personal history. She has published a chapbook titled Artificial & Otherwise with Good Space Gallery (2023) for their Machine Dreams exhibition. Individual poems have been featured in Empty House Press, Green Ink Poetry, Sybil Journal, Acropolis Journal, Black Iris Poetry& The Pomegranate London. Her work can be found via her website, monthly newsletter, and IG.

Emily Rankin was born in Riverside, California and attended university in Texas, where she received a BFA in 2011. Her body of work deals with the tangles of human emotion and understanding, the intuitive messages of dreaming and subconsious exploration. Her work has appeared in such publications as Gasher, Wild Roof Journal, Raw Art Review, Metonym, Meat for Tea, Landlocked, Black Fox, Zoetic Press, Hey I’m Alive Magazine, and Rattle. She is currently based in New Mexico.