Art: "He Was Already Gone" by Dominique Elliott

Poetry: "Drinking tea in the Mojave" by DeAnna Beachley

I sit with a mug of green tea before me

                  Huang Shan Mao Feng


         inhale the scent




needles peaked like

the Yellow Mountain

where it grows


sense the morning fog

heavy dew

that favors growth


an indulgence, I suppose

         but one that brings me joy


how long will I be able to savor this

         the effects of hotter summers

drier weather


deserts moving north and south

         from the equator


Published February 9th 2023

DeAnna Beachley is a teacher, historian, poet, and essayist. Her poetry has appeared in Red Rock Review, Sandstone & Silver, Thimble, The Ekphrastic Review Challenge, Slant, Blue Earth Review, Gyroscope, Anatomy of an Essay, and forthcoming in two anthologies. When not teaching or writing, she enjoys hiking and bird watching.

Born in Brussels Belgium, Dominique Elliott is a multimedia artist and professor. Her work begins in reverse: with a title. Her interest in the interplays of words and image, in transpositions, translations, phenomenology, epistolary works, reverse ekphrastic practice, has crept into her artistic practice through documentaries, painting, and mixed media.