Art: "Crimson Canvas Collage" by Elizabeth Lake

Poetry: "the words gone out" by Carol Sadtler

            —The Night Surf, W.S. Merwin, 1984


I sow milkweed and coneflowers

in my barren urban lot—

they draw butterflies and children

as if

there’s still time


Alice roots herself in dirt—

like a tree she converts elements

to nutrients—nourishing her stories

you could say 

there’s still time


Adrienne knows the ocean—

draws sea air into her body

breathes poems out as lifeblood—

you might say

there’s still time


William heeds his island trees—

decodes—transmits their warnings                          

while beaches shrink and drunken Zorba


in the waves


Published February 8th 2023

Carol Sadtler is a writer and editor whose best ideas come when she’s on, in or near the water. Her poems and reviews have appeared in River Heron Review, One Art, RHINO, Minerva Rising, Big City Lit, and other publications. She lives in Chicago with her family and loves to work in her backyard butterfly garden.

In collaboration with her literary pursuits, Elizabeth‘s artistic inclinations extend to crafting captivating collage art. Her visual art pieces mirror her poetry and prose, consisting of a layering of everyday images and objects that come together to create works imbued with profound meaning and emotion. With collage as her canvas, Elizabeth manipulates the ordinary to transcend the mundane, evoking emotions, thoughts, and narratives that allow the audience to delve deeper into the nuanced complexities of her creative vision.